Monday, June 26, 2006

A fitting draw

Yesterday's Community Cup was fantastic. A great crowd - 23,000 according to today's Age - and although I have no idea how much money was raised yet, I reckon it will be close to last year's $165,000: a great outcome for St Kilda's Sacred Heart Mission.

The weather was perfect - cool, sunny and narry a breeze - and the two teams were splendid in their rivalry. The last few years have seen alternating wins to the Rockdogs and the Megahertz, so it seemed only fitting that this year was a draw between the two.

There were some sour notes - in particular a broken collarbone for one of the poor Rockdogs (one of the members of The Twits I think) - but overall play was fair and not as aggressive as last year, the crowd were fantastic, and I came off with little more than a cracked rib courtesy of a tackle I instigated against Wally Meanie, and aching thighs when I woke up this morning.

As mskp notes, there were countless highlights, including several streakers (I think I counted three, all up), inummerable dogs, good friends, vodka at half time, the lovely msfits as an especially stylish runner, some superb displays of skill from the likes of RRR's Phil Wales, Glenny G, the Big O (who summed up the spirit of the day when he allowed one of the two kids playing for the Rockdogs to take the ball off him and attempt to kick a goal), Angus Sampson and Sam Pang.

Afterwards, buzzing nicely courtesy from the administation of a few medicinal substances, I retired to the St Kilda Bowls Club with a few team-mates, then dropped in for a quick drink at the launch of the latest issue of the literary journal Going Down Swinging, then collapsed into bed - waking around 4am when rolling over woke me in a bolt of pain: that's when I realised I'd cracked my rib again...

Hurrah for the Community Cup!


mskp said...


that is some serious commitment to the cause, richardwatts.

don't worry about tonight though - i can cut up your parma into little pieces and get you a straw for your bottle of cider...

richardwatts said...

Not broken, m'dear mskp, just cracked luckily - hurts when I stretch, roll over in bed etc, but it's not too bad. It happened once a couple of years back, so at least I know what I've done this time!